When To Elope In Colorado : A Weather Planning Guide

Planning Around the Weather

Colorado weather is crazy. You’ve seen all the memes on facebook and they are all true. When planning your elopement in the high country, there is no specific guide that will tell you what to bring for what season. You need to prepare for everything, or take what the day brings to you! In this guide you will find tips, checklists and general weather information for your awesome Colorado elopement!

Want to plan an Adventure Elopement? Download Our Free Adventure Elopement Planning Guide + Checklist To Help You Get Started!

snowy first look for Jazmine and Nicos elopement in Colorado

Consider Weather Conditions by Season 

Weather is measured in seasons just like any other location. The weather changes depending on altitude, so make sure you check how high above sea level you will be because that will affect the weather you will get! The best months to elope in Colorado in our opinion are July and August because they are hottest months in CO which guarantees the best possible weather for your high altitude elopement. The month of June is also among the few hottest months in the state, however, as you will see in Devin+Leah’s June elopement at RMNP, that isn’t always the case! 

Monsoon Season 

Sporadic rainstorms. You read that right!  They are most common to happen in the summer afternoons. The months June-Aug are most likely to be affected by the monsoon season, although it can vary from around May- Sept. Monsoon season can be dangerous depending on altitude because storms bring lightning and possible floods. Make sure you schedule your ceremony in the morning for the best possible weather during these months if you are in a high altitude area (think sunrise ceremony)! Also, be mindful about the locations you are planning to visit in the park and the weather conditions that the day could bring to said locations. Piggy backing on having an early morning ceremony, a tip for the best possible picture lighting is to schedule a time before 10 am because Colorado’s midday sun is unforgiving! 

Consider Weather by Altitudinal Zones

Our beautiful state boasts of thousands of acres with different ecosystems and elevations. As many of you may know, the higher the elevation-the cooler it can get. Each altitudinal zone practically has its own weather forecast and it does not follow the same seasons that your typical city would . Understanding how the weather changes in different altitudes can help with planning your mountain wedding adventures. Weather at 12,000 ft above sea level can look drastically different than 6,000 ft above sea level. It is always important to have you plan B and C be at different zones in altitude or you can possibly run into the same weather on all of them!

High Wind + Sun

Another thing to look out for in exposed areas high above tree line ( meaning areas that are exposed with no trees) is the wind and sun! High alpine areas like that can get pretty gnarly weather and while we know it can suck, don’t let it be a burden to your day. Having a wind breaker in hand, sunscreen and a wind proof hair do are always a great idea!

Best Months To Elope In Colorado

Colorado has a month for everyone. Picking the perfect time to elope will be dependent on what you envision that day. Do you dream eloping in a winter wonderland? Or surrounded by wildflowers? What about fun fall colors? Check out what each month looks like in Colorado:

Average Temperature In Colorado Graph

Winter Elopements

If you are looking for a place with magical and accessible winter scenery, you can’t go wrong with choosing Colorado. Starting as early as December and running through March, you can find the perfect winter elopement spot. Although it technically stops snowing, you can actually find snow here in our mountain state until late June sometimes! You do have to hike a bit to find it or visit very high alpine locations though!

Average Temperatures during these times can range from 0-35 degrees Fahrenheit. Luckily, if you are only looking to have snow in the background and not actually endure the cold conditions- you can choose to elope in the months May-June fr more agreeable weather. It will be muddy during that early spring season however!

Preparing For Your Winter Elopement:

When packing for your winter adventure, there are a few things that are a must! Here is a recommended list of things that we would bring:

  • Base-layers- Think nude colored or suit colored so you can see them!
  • Hot foods and drinks
  • Hand, Toe and Body Warmers
  • Ice cleats
  • Gloves
  • Wool Socks
  • Waterproof/insulated Shoes
  • Warm jacket but make it fashion

Pros and Cons of a Winter Elopement In Colorado:

Pros: Less crowded areas, Snowy Wonderland, Colorado has accessible winter areas

Cons: Cold, Road Closures, unpredictable snow storms, avalanche danger

Summer Elopements

The best time to elope in Colorado is the summer (in our opinion). Not only do your location options expand exponentially compared the winter, but you also get the perfect mountain weather! Even though it may be very hot in Denver, the weather at higher altitudes will be much cooler and comfortable to be in. You can find this weather starting late June- August with averaging temperatures of 60-75 degrees in the mountains.

Preparing for your summer elopement:

When packing for your summer elopement, a few things that we think are a must are:

  • Sunscreen
  • Water, snacks
  • Cooling towel
  • Antiperspirants
  • Lip balm+ Lotion – Its very dry in Colorado
  • Light Jacket
  • Breathable shoes, and attire if possible
  • Sweat wicking socks! Don’t get blisters on your hike.

Pros and Cons For A Summer Elopement In Colorado:

Pros: Its green, lush with lots of wildflowers! Warm weather especially in the high country. Longer days and abundant location possibilities.

Cons: Crowded areas , monsoon seasons

Fall Elopements

Did you know fall colors only last about a week in Colorado? We are totally being dramatic but it always seems that the trees are at peak color for a few days before the high winds come and rip the leaves off the trees. Fall has to be the second best time to elope in Colorado in our opinion because they weather is so perfect! You have less possibility of rain and you still average temperatures of 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit. Fall months run from September-October and although the colors don’t last that long, it is a great time to elope if you are looking to still have accessibility and a bit of warmth.

Preparing For Your Fall Elopement:

Fall can either be cold or warm so making sure you bring the appropriate items will make your day more enjoyable!

  • Warm layers
  • Proper footwear
  • Hand and Body warmers
  • Water
  • Headlamps- It gets dark faster!

Pros and Cons For A Fall Elopement:

Pros: Cooler Weather, Color Changes, Less possibility of monsoons

Cons: Crowded

Questions To Ask Before Choosing A Season For Your Colorado Elopement

  • How much cold can you handle?
  • What type of location are you looking for? Some locations are not accessible year round.
  • What scenery do you envision on your day?
  • How busy do you imagine your location being?
  • What kind of attire do you already have? (Some couple buy their attire first)And is it suitable for your location?
  • Do you envision carrying or wearing extra things on your elopement day?
  • Do you care if it’s extra hot?
  • Will you be hiking and have to carry things? or will a car be nearby to hold extra weather items?

Picking Your Elopement Attire For The Changing Weather

We would love to tell you that you can get away with only your elopement attire on your special day but that is simply not the case! Colorado is notorious to experience every season at once and it always better to be over prepared than to be surprised and miserable. 

Expect to bring the following items for your elopement in Colorado ( This is why most hiking elopements require backpacks!):

  • Nude leggings to wear under your dress if its cold!
  • A clear umbrella in case it rains
  • Jackets/blankets to keep warm- make sure they are fashionable!
  • Base layers for under tuxedos/suits
  • Hand warmers ready for your cold hands
  • Make sure you wear appropriate footwear- warm boots or nice comfy sandals. It can go both ways depending on the weather.

If you are wearing a dress:

Make sure it is a flowy dress. This will allow you to move easier and you can get away wearing leggings with boots under. It also allows for more airflow in the summer. Check out some great online dress shops if you still haven’t found the dress!

If you are wearing a suit:

Wearing a base layer under your attire will keep you warm and dry. Wearing dark colors can help attract light and keep you warm as well! Lighter colors can help keep you cool and so can lighter materials!


Boots with good tread are preferred. If you don’t want to be bothered by your feet, wear comfortable shoes! Trust us this is a life saver.


  1. such a good article for couples looking to have an adventure wedding in colorado! the colorado rockies are their own beast, and having a guide like this definitely helps couples who are unfamiliar with the weather here in colorado. love it!

  2. This guide is incredibly informative and very helpful for couples deciding when to elope in Colorado (especially for people who don’t live there!). I love the layering suggestions and your beautiful images!

  3. This is a great place to start for any couple planning an elopement in Colorado! I totally agree about all of these weather advisories πŸ™‚

    1. Wow thank you for listing all of this out. Super helpful for couples to know when is the best time to elope in Colorado!!

  4. This a very comprehensive resource for couples looking to elope in Colorado! I like how transparent you are about all the possible conditions and how they can be prepared for any weather conditions. At least they know that if they don’t like the weather…just wait a few minutes. πŸ™‚

  5. Eloping in Colorado is definitely something couples think about often now and THIS resource is perfect! There’s so much to think about and I’m glad you took the time to guide couples in the right direction for their dream day!

  6. Wow, if I were to elope in Colorado this is EXACTLY the guide I would need! The weather is so important when you’re planning something in the mountains, and even people who have never been to the mountains will feel super knowledgeable after reading this.

  7. This is soooo helpful! It’s so important to think of the weather when planning an elopement, especially in CO!

  8. Awesome resource for couples wondering when to elope in Colorado! Your weather planning guide is probably one of the most useful bits of information they could come across. Weather can really make or break the perception of the day so I love that you’re helping couples plan the best adventure elopements of their lives! Great work.

    1. Super helpful post for couples! We might not be able to control the weather as photographers, but we do need to prepare our couples! Great work!

    1. Have fun! Monsoon weather is so unpredictable in Colorado so the best bet is going in to the mountains pretty early. Typically you will encounter storms in the afternoons in the high country. Just because it is 80 degrees in Denver doesn’t mean the same about an hour away into the mountains!

  9. What a clever topic for your blog! Thank you for sharing all these helpful tips! I agree a flowy dress allows for more layers underneath. Beautiful images too!!

  10. All… Of…. This!!! Living in Colorado, the running joke was always that if you don’t like the weather, just wait 5 minutes. It is one of the most stunning places on the planet, but the uncertainty can make planning…. interesting…. Great tips and tricks!

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